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Flüssigseife - Nachfüllpack 1 Liter

Waschkonzentrat - Nachfüllpack 1 Liter

Geschirrspülmittel - Nachfüllpack 1 Liter

Echte Seife - Nachfüllpack 1 Liter

Allzweckreiniger - Nachfüllpack 1 Liter


Flüssigseife GREEN LINE Flüssigseife mit naturreinen ätherischen Ölen und milde, rein pflanzliche Waschrohstoffe ist hautfreundlich, ph-neutral und schont Mensch und Umwelt.


1. GRÜNLIPPMUSCHELEXTRAKT 2. Das aus Grünlippmuscheln gewonnene Konzentrat ist ein Nährstofflieferant mit vielen Vorteilen. Drei davon dürfen getrost als "Säulen der Gelenkversorgung" bezeichnet werden: 1. Der hohe Gehalt an Glukosaminglykanen 2. Der wertvolle Gehalt an mehrfach ungesättigten Omega-3-Fettsäuren 3. Der wichtige Gehalt an Kieselsäure, weiteren Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen Alle drei sind Balsam für unsere Gelenke – Meeresprodukte wie die Grünlippmuschel eignen sich daher hervorragend, den Körper mit diesen die Gelenke schützenden, aufbauenden, regenerierenden und entzündungshemmenden Substanzen zu versorgen. 3. Inhalt: 60 Kapseln (Cellulose) zu je 400 mg 100% Naturreines Grünlippmuschelextrakt 4. Verzehrsempfehlung: Täglich 1 Kapsel zu einer Mahlzeit 5. Besonders wertvoll ist das Muschelkonzentrat als Nahrungsergänzung für: • Menschen, die ihre Gelenke gesund erhalten wollen. • Menschen, die kaum Fleisch essen: Sie führen sich über ihre Nahrung nur geringe Glukosaminglykane zu. • Kostverächter: Menschen, die sich auf bindegewebsarme Fertigkost beschränken. • Sportler: Die hohe körperliche Belastung und die hierdurch verstärkt nötigen Reparaturvorgänge in den Gelenken führen zu einem höheren Bedarf an Glukosamin bzw. Glukosaminglykanen und anderen aufbauenden Substanzen. • Übergewichtige: Der Bewegungsapparat ist stärkeren Belastungen ausgesetzt als bei normalgewichtigen Menschen. Die Gelenke haben dabei Schwerstarbeit zu leisten und müssen deshalb besonders gut versorgt werden. • Senioren: Ihr Bedarf an wertvollen Vitalstoffen ist durch zunehmenden Verschleiß und die mangelnde Fähigkeit im Alter, Stoffe aus der Nahrung in ausreichendem Maße aufzunehmen und im eigenen Körper zu verwerten, erhöht. • Körperlich und geistig Gestresste: Stress produziert große Mengen gewebe- und gelenkschädigende freie Radikale.


OPC – BIO Complex OPC is a mixture of very specific oligomer pro cyanides, hence the name. It was patented in the USA and has a number of functions crucial for life. It is a highly effective antioxidant in itself and multiplies the effect of vitamin C. It reduces infections, improves the circulation and promotes body flexibility through its ability to bind with collagen. It therefore has an anti-ageing effect and works like an "oral cosmetic". It protects vitamin C from oxidising to a dehydro-ascorbate. It prevents the formation of histamines. It strengthens the capillaries, arteries and veins, and improves joint flexibility. It is non-toxic and has no damaging side effects whatsoever. It was researched by Professor Mesquellier of Bordeaux, France. OPC is evident in the entire body an hour after intake. Storage and processing often destroys OPC in food. As a free radical absorber it is 20 times more effective than vitamin C. It has solved the riddle as to why the French have such a high life expectancy despite living a rather unhealthy lifestyle. OPC can be found in high concentrations in red wine, which is regularly consumed in France; it is, however, not found in white wine. This is because only red wine is fermented with the stems and the pips. It is in this phase that OPC is released from the grapes. OPC regenerates vitamin C which has been "used up" during free radical absorption, and vitamin C regenerates vitamin E which has been used up to such an extent that a smaller amount is sufficient to achieve the same result. OPC prevents blood platelets from adhering to each other or to the walls of the arteries. The strength of and lack of damage to our capillaries is a major factor in our health. A person is as old as his blood vessels, and this is where OPC can act as a considerable prophylactic. It can also be a significant aid to varicose veins. It also removes oedemas and inflammations and delays the ageing process of the skin. OPC is also an excellent sunscreen as it prevents the effects of free radicals released in this way. It significantly improves the function of the brain and helps with hay fever and stress. It optimises vision and is especially ESSENTIAL for smokers as smoking multiplies the free radicals, resulting in many harmful consequences. 60 - 100 mg OPC per day should be taken initially. The maintenance dosage is 30 mg. It remains in the body for 72 hours, so the entire dose may be taken once a day with a meal.

Q 10

COENZYME Q 10 In 1978 Peter Mitchell received the Nobel prize for his discovery of the role that Q 10 plays in accumulating energy in the cells. Linus Pauling, a multiple noble prize winner, who lived to the age of 95 wrote: "Q 10 is one of the most important discoveries in the science of nourishment in the last few decades." He himself took it daily. Q 10 contributes to the enhancement of quality of life like few other substances. The stabilising effect of Q 10 plays a significant role. Without Q 10 there is no production of energy and therefore no life. A strong immune system is also inconceivable without Q 10. If there is sufficient Q 10 in the body it is stored where problems and strains occur, and in this way it builds a strong defence. The positive effects of Q 10, which have been discovered in many investigations, show that a healthy body is also reliant on a sufficient supply of this coenzyme. This is why coenzyme Q 10 is finally becoming more and more popular as a nutritional supplement for us. Q 10 is extremely effective as a antioxidant and ensures that the body is detoxified by destroying free radicals. This coenzyme is thus vital as an absorber of free radicals and a supplier of energy. It accelerates the biochemical reaction in the body and in this way ensures continuous energy production. The organism is well accustomed to Q 10 as it is a substance produced naturally in the body. There are no side effects when used in normal doses. Even additional intake of Q 10 has no effect on the body's own production; the stores are simply topped up and the body is supported in its natural production of Q 10. The body has an increased use for Q 10 when under particular strain, such as sport and exertion. It also requires more Q 10 during physical stress and illness, as well as in cases of an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking or the consumption of alcohol. The body's ability to produce Q 10 itself also decreases substantially with age. From the age of 40 organs already show 30% fewer Q 10 coenzymes than a 20 year old person. Many scientific studies show that many bodily functions are already substantially affected when there is a Q 10 deficit of 25%. Therefore regular intake of Q 10 coenzyme on a daily basis should be considered as a sensible supplement to daily nutrition from the age of 40 years onwards, at the latest.

Vital-Ionen-50 Kräuter Extrakt

Vital-Ion 50 Herbal Extract The application of our Vital-Ion 50 Herbal Extract could be called "magic from a teacup" and without any “magic” the ingredients of these plants, which have been scientifically proven to be therapeutic, work. The point of departure was the herbal tea recipes of the Taoist doctors who represent the pinnacle of the pyramid of the healer’s art in ancient China. These recipes have been compiled over centuries and have been tested on such a large number of patients unprecedented in the whole world. Not only in ancient China, but also in our part of the world, it is certainly no coincidence that the great herbalists such as Abbot Walafrid Strabo, the holy Hildegard of Bingen, the Dominican Albertus Magnus, and in recent times Sebastian Kneipp and Maria Treben, all spoke of "God’s Pharmacy". Further work and research was done on these recipes using the advantages modern technology. Changes were made according to state-of-the-art science and tested until the final version of the Vital-Ion 50 Herb Extract was found. The ingredients of the mixture and the proportions of the individual herbs are not coincidental but rather very accurately defined. The herbs in the mixture also have their exact place in the hierarchy, derived from their action and the area of application of the mixture. The herbs used for our Vital-Ion 50 Herbal Extract originate in the wild, taking cleanliness and hygiene into account. The most effective methods were used to obtain the syrup dependant on the desired active ingredient from the individual herbs. This was done by boiling, pulverising, steam distillation, cold extraction or other special methods. This resulted in a degree of efficacy that could never be achieved by normal infusion of a ready-made mixture of herbs, since the individual herbs release their desired active ingredients by different methods and also at different extraction rates and this is not possible with a teabag or tea strainer.
